
Camouflage is a playful method of using AI to understand the unpredictability, complexity, and resilience of ecological systems, specifically that of cephalopods. 

I applied Ml5js and PoseNet to TouchDesigner in order to depict cephalopods’ curiosity, ability to camouflage, and inherently decentralized intelligence.

Once a hand is tracked, its information is gathered to form shapes and change color, mimicking the cephalopods’ ability to camouflage.

  • Finding the right medium of AI to represent a non-human phenomena found in our ecological systems.

  • Connecting Ml5js and PoseNet to TouchDesigner using a GPU accelerated MediaPipe plugin for TouchDesigner.

  • The intersection between nature and artificial intelligence requires abstraction and experimentation.

Role: Creative Technologist

Tools: ml5.js; Pose Net; TouchDesigner; Code

Year: 2023